Tuesday 25 March 2008

Chilly start to my last week

One more week to go and I have a series of people to take through the exit process. It's a shame it's so cold in the office and I'm writing this wearing a woolly hat. Seriously! Our bonuses were cut by 25% to reflect poor business performance and it looks like they've done the same with the heating.

Like most large organisations we have turned office moves into an art form over the last few years and by amazing coincidence the merry-go-round has put me back at the same location where I started my career over 32 years ago. The building is not the same one I started in as that had been condemned even before I moved in and we had rats in the filing room. It was soon demolished to make way for the one I'm now in and this one is being emptied as it is no longer needed so perhaps that's why there's no heating: they don't realise there are some stragglers still here.

One way or another I'm not having any second thoughts about leaving.

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