Monday, 11 May 2009

Moles and chickens

I have spent a lot of time and effort on our new raised vegetable bed. It is beautiful and we are very proud of it so when I found a mole tunnel in it this morning I was not pleased and set a trap. A little severe you might think but it's an organic bed and who knows where the mole's been.
That was bad enough but when I got back after lunch I caught THREE rogue chickens destroying the bed. I could weep!

After a couple of hours the chickens had found their way through to Richard next door and he got two of them into the field at the bottom and the other one came back to me.  I then came up with a cunning plan.  I laid a trail of bird seed from close to the third hen, past the vegetable patch, over the compost heap and into the field.  It all started well with the chicken following the trail so I dashed in to get changed to meet LJ.  By the time I came out again the cunning plan had back-fired and the other two had followed the trail back into the garden.  

I give up. 

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