Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Top 10 feel good movies - 5 You've Got Mail


Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan start an online relationship unaware that they are on opposite sides of a battle between a big bookstore chain and a local children's book shop.  Can the Hanks realises what has happened and Ryan starts to fall for Hanks, despite his part in her business downfall.  Can the relationship survive the revelation that he is also her mail buddy?

Favourite bit:
Hanks bringing Ryan daisies when she has a disgusting cold and refuses to leave until she is looked after.

Mike's view:
So much better than Sleepless in Seattle largely because Ryan is less soppy and much more credible.  It's a classic romcom setup and has great pace and a cracking supporting cast going through their own crises.  

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Top 10 feel good movies - 4 Something's Gotta Give


Jack Nicholson is living the dream with a succession of gorgeous young girlfriends but falls for Diane Keaton who is nearer his age.  As he starts to realise that, against all his principles, he wants to be with Keaton she falls for the younger man, Keanu Reeves.

Favourite bit:
Parisian restaurant when Nicholson goes to propose to Keaton only to discover she is there with Reeves.  Disaaaaaster!

Mike's view:
Written and directed by Nancy Myers and starring Keaton and Nicholson so it was always going to be good but this is better than just good. I love Nicholson's amazement that Keaton doesn't know a good deal when she sees it and Keaton is wonderfully appalled by this ageing swinger who thinks he's God's gift.  Reeves is sensible enough to know he is part of the plot and not a lead and doesn't try to do too much with his part which is unusual for a genuine A-lister.  Loads of great moments and a genuinely moving story.  That's Meyers for you.

Top 10 feel good movies - 3 The Blues Brothers


Just had to be there didn't it?

Two low life blues musicians attempt to raise money to save the orphanage they grew up in and create mayhem as they do so while pursued by nazis, the police, rednecks and Carrie Fisher.

Favourite bit:
Elwood: "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've gotta full tank of gas, half a packet of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses."
Jake: "Hit it!"

Mike's view:
How did this ever get made? Insane idea but it ends up as a brilliant movie that has given me so many great moments that I can recall when I need cheering up. Brilliant, that's all there is to it and did I mention the music?

Friday, 3 February 2012

Top 10 feel good movies - 2 Baby Boom


Diane Keaton is a dynamic career lady who inherits a baby from a distant relative and moves to Vermont to start a new life. Things do not go well at first and when the small business she sets up leads to an opportunity to return to New York as a success can the local Vet and the country lifestyle compete?

Favourite Bit:
Sam Shepard "Are you nervous around all men or is it just me?"
Diane Keaton "I'm nervous around all men, apart from you."

Mike's view:
Good set up and lovely Vermont locations make this special for me. I have a big soft spot for Diane Keaton so anything with her is going to be worth seeing and she is very good in this. She goes from corporate aggressor to caring mother to vulnerable girl with convincing ease and when it comes to payback time for corporate slimeballs she delivers with panache. Loads of snow and romance so another favourite at Christmas.

Top 10 feel good movies in no particular order -1 The Bishop's Wife


Cary Grant is an angel sent to help the Bishop, David Niven, who is obsessed with raising money to build a new cathedral at expense of his relationships with his family.  The Bishop has prayed for help and is now getting it but is it the money he needs help with or is it something more important and will Dudley (Cary Grant) get too close to The Bishop's Wife? 

Favourite bit:
Dudley confesses that when an angel starts to envy a mortal it's time for him to move on.

Mike's view:
A gentle, compassionate,  beautifully constructed story with so many feel good moments that it ought to be compulsory viewing every time the economic figures come out.  Particularly good at Christmas when the story is set.